The Health Model’s goal is restoring the patients' full potential, thanks to an innovative therapy called “Listen to the body”, developed from the deep knowledge of Mayan Traditional Medicine. This model allows global attention to people from different areas and it looks at the patient from a comprehensive approach. It is also framed in the proposal of the WHO’s strategy for traditional medicine 2014-2023, where it’s proposed to use the potential contribution of traditional medicine to health and well-being.
This Integral Health Model enables us to provide global attention to people from different areas without any limitation, contra-indication, or side effects related to gender or age issues. This model has the goal of restoring the patients' full potential. Its application is universal, not risky for patients, in a great cost-benefit relation, and fully compatible with other therapeutic, allopathic, and traditional proposals.
Listen to the Body includes a detailed and personal study of the patient and their circumstances, starting by observing their posture, and physical, emotional, and spiritual characteristics. Then traditional physical therapy techniques are added in combination, adding the use of elements of the traditional bell. This model acknowledges the importance of training for professionals who will provide health care, stimulating their observation skills and increasing their awareness to approach patients comprehensively.